Young person sitting with their head between their hands.

I want to talk to someone.

Young person looking up information about addiction on a laptop.

I want to learn more about addiction.

Young person looking up service information on their cell phone.

I want to find local services.

Young person looking at informational resources on their laptop.

I want to access more information.

Crossing Bridges does not provide immediate, crisis support. If you need help now, contact a local support line. If you need medical attention, call 911 or go to the closest emergency room. You can also access withdrawal support for screening and assessment.

What Is Crossing Bridges?

A Free, Virtual Safe Space.

Crossing Bridges is a free and confidential virtual safe space where you can:

  1. Connect virtually with an Addictions Counsellor
  2. Get information about substance use and behavioural addiction
  3. Find substance use and addiction services and supports

Crossing Bridges provides support to young people aged 12-24 with both substance use addiction and behavioural addiction (e.g. gambling, gaming, sex, Internet or social media use, etc.).

What’s an Addiction?

Learn What It Means.

Addiction is when you:

  • Use substances or engage in a behaviour excessively
  • Don’t feel you have control over your substance use or behaviour
  • Continue to use substances or engage in a behaviour despite negative consequences

Do I Have an Addiction?

Identify Common Signs.

Common signs of an addiction include:

  • Using a substance or behaviour to cope
  • Changes in your mood
  • Experiencing physical withdrawal
  • Continuing even when it’s causing harm
  • Struggling to stop or cut back
  • Hiding your use or behaviour

Need to Talk?

Virtual Counselling Can Help.
  • Ask any questions you have about addictions or substance use
  • Learn practical strategies and tips to manage addiction or substance use

Access free and confidential virtual counselling sessions in whatever way works best for you – phone, online with video, online with voice only.

Young person talking to a virtual counsellor on their cell phone.

What Have Others Experienced?

Read User Experiences.

“[I like] getting to talk to the counsellor about what’s going on without any hiccups nor inconveniences. Also, it’s easier to re-schedule if anything ever comes up unexpectedly.”

“My counsellor is amazing, very helpful, and thoughtful with a very broad perspective that truly helps me view my situations with an open mind.”

“It’s positive that I can still have someone to talk to, even throughout COVID.”

“[I like that] I don’t have to travel to a location.”

Who Are the Counsellors?

Get to Know Our Team.

Our team of Addictions Counsellors specialize in working with young people between the ages of 12 and 24. Learn more about them and how they can help.

Share Your Feedback

Tell Us About Your Experience.

Let us know how we’re doing! Complete a quick survey to share your experience using the Crossing Bridges virtual platform.

Your answers will be anonymous.

Young person completing a survey on their cell phone.